Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Optical illusions and What are Thoughts.

Today we are going to discuss about
What is thoughts

Which comes in this brain, your brain and which are just following from this brain to the this writing hands
we can simply understand this, with this illustration
see the optical illusion here.
concentrate on the center plus sign
can you see the green dot ,
yes now try to catch the green dot 
can you ?

actually there is no green dot and the more you focus on plus the more green dot will appear

why this happening
as per google and research
click this to understand it TROXLER EFFECT 

Troxler's fading, or Troxler fading, or the Troxler effect, is an optical illusion affecting visual perception. When one fixates on a particular point for even a short period of time, an unchanging stimulus away from the fixation point will fade away and disappear. Recent research suggests that at least some portion of the perceptual phenomena associated with Troxler's fading occurs in the brain.

so why this is happening?
as far as this mind concerns , this mind think on this that mind is filling the information for convenience
another example

The brain, when faced with a lot of stimulation, only some of which is considered relevant, will tune out the non-relevant parts, filling in what it can from the general area. It's a little like how the blind spot works, except this is a dynamic process. The brain will zoom in on a desired area, and the rest of the space will fade away. This is called the Troxler Effect, or Troxler Fading. It was discovered way back in 1804 by Ignaz Troxler, a physician and philosopher. Take a look at the circle to the left. Focus on the red dot at the middle. After less than thirty seconds, the circle should just fade away. The mind then fills in the area where the circle used to be with the white that surrounds it. It's worth doing an image search on Troxler Effect, since there are a ton of illusions with it on the internet. There are whole paintings that fade away. There are moving objects that disappear with enough focus. You can spend a happy twenty minutes observing your brain erase the world.

why the Brain is fooling us ?

because the brain too has few limitation , if brain fails to understand anything ,it will assign something to peceptions  to stabilize the system,
what ever the brain see is everything apart from existence.

anything you see for example color

what do you think about these two A and B color ?
Surface color of both A and B parts is identical. Just use a finger to cover the place where both parts meet and you'll see.

sometimes your brain lies.
why does it happens ? because brain has survival rules that's what brain is made for.
because in order to survive, the brain tricks you , 

like what you don't understand, you names them as mad , and stupid and when brain quits it still has a unprocessed part which has to be fill hence it names them in order to stabilize the system

thoughts are only this survival tricks of brain 
all thoughts are made for this.
simply it is the organ of body which stabilizes the body either by fact or by illusion.

then what about the technologies brain has achieved? 
are they illusion or reality.

my answer is still convenience.
brain has only one function to stabilize..

some times the energy is high you need to cry or laugh to take out some energy
or brain arouse the urge to talk with  someone.
 may be they are reality may be illusion
this organ is made for stability. and survival .and harmonize
so what ever we are doing is part of that .

whatever we say is only the things we unable to accept, if you accept , what is the need of saying. there is two types of thoughts one is invited another is uninvited 
uninvited  thoughts are impulsive ,chaotic , random
and invited are rational, calculative,logical
so for survival purpose
whatever is important brain chooses that.
 may be my brain is fascinated that it understood and it is wanting to become empty again..that's why my brain is writing this all with the help my my hands...to welcome the another understanding..(TRUTH)
 (there is connection of the fact)
for  survival this brain is using rational calculative thinking . well may be its impulsive but yes its confirmed that whatsoever eye am writing here is not about the fact which eye can mug-up so my brain is making a theory to accept the facts .....(ILLUSION)
another example of survival fundamental...

its loop that my brain thinks that whatever it is unable to understand , its coding into the language of stability to understand, apart from fact and illusion...its very tough to claim this theory as a fact or illusion .. may be  it is fact that its an illusion , or may be its an illusion  that its fact..or further more 
may be this whole understanding is saying you, that you understood about what you are unable to understand..  so did you understand ?
 these all are brain storm
or the eddy of water or a cyclone .

what can you do when you fall in such eddy
how can you survive?
same is with mind 

if your mind is becoming like a eddy whirlpool,
let it work you will be out automatically . but if you try to get out the whirlpool can take your life.

accept that the brain is as it is... its not easy to understand few things its ok if mind is making us fool .. because that's what it is made for..to save you from unwanted confusions .  

if the problem or fire  is small it can be solve by just blowing the wind but if the flame is big  blowing wind acts reverse it helps fire to grow..so 
you can try to solve but if you finds all ways are explored and yet the mystery is still mysterious  
you must start love .. and love the mystery and mystery will open its covering for you .    
submit yourself to the mystery ..sometimes you explores all outward ways but the answer is in inward way..

in the favor of truth and spirituality, well when one accepts the brain as it is can go beyond it.
stay with us for more information .
thank you.