Tuesday, December 3, 2019




Question Arises in mind that

why you need to read this Blog ? .

Humans have developed their Sensory Organs for information giving and taking both ways  so beautifully that ,

it gives Humans to assess those different ways of communication, which other species 

still developing , in short humans are in the top most position of communications , 

some have even developed themselves that they can even communicate with other species too. 

How about if somehow you get news that you can communicate with each particle of this universe. THIS BLOG gives you POWER to get connect to infinite.

and you just have to read it , THAT'S IT . and you will feel that you have unlocked the powers inside you. 

let's DISCUSS How we are going to execute this . with proper scientific explanation.

let's start from the beginning


Since from the beginning of time when ORGANIC LIFE started in this planet we call EARTH. recently some how scientists have explored about the cause behind the birth of the first organic life on this planet which we call amoeba or paramoecium.

they got the answer by experiment that there was a lightning from sky to earth which somehow initiated the arranging some basic arrangement needed to start organic life , there was some other theories also but for now just assume this was the start of organic life on this planet . 

after years after years and centuries life evolution happen and organism developed themselves like they pass the information which they learned by decoding into DNA and passed it to another generation , another generation taken that information as a base to evolute themselves and then they certainly somehow

developed themselves able to locomote and move by themselves as per the requirement to save themselves.

once they madethemselves able to move from one place to another they was in need of develop spinal cord and so on and on and on ....

it came to humans. 

have ever though what about after human ?

we are on the top of the chain of organic life evolution .

may be still it will evolute it and we will again change in next centuries . 

LIFE exist in different forms as HUMANS are known to only an ORGANIC life, but whole universe is alive itself , hence if you want to get in touch with whole universe you need to attach  yourselves with it .

LIFE has just changed its form what we calls ORGANIC FORM . all the information since from the birth of ORGANIC life is decoded in DNA , but even deeper sense all the information is still in our nucleus of atomic arrangement regarding even beyond organic life 

the MOTO of this blog is to allow you acess those dimentions of life which were open to us but for some reason it has been got closed in past .

see you in next BLOG 

in NEXT BLOG we are going to discuss what exactly we are going to open the gates of our consciousness and how the gates have been closed.