Sunday, March 18, 2012

Where is God

there is one more world over us, thats a world of frequencies, waves
and the world of Time
in order to elaborate well lets take a idea of Heisenbergs uncertainty principle
as every moving partical exibits wave 
and when wave particle duality nature exhibits 
A wave packet like a photon or electron is a composite of many waves 
so the particle and wave both have the relation they can convert from one form to another
but if they are particle u cannot measure its momentum(energy)
and if they are in energy state they cannot be measure as a particle
we are made up of infinite number of particles
they all exhibits wave
moreover our mind emits brainwave

hence we can see our self as a combination of waves
as we can see ourself as a combination of waves we can even fly aeroplane according to the newyork times given attachment how-brain-waves-can-fly-a-plane.
let find out more interesting stuffs about that
as we thinks we emits wave and thoughts are nothing but a waves
thoughts are wave
 According to geeta we are the result of a thoughts...and thoughts are the result of our existence
so god is with in our thoughts becoz everything here we can see feel is a thought ....
one more artical i would like to share and add its
waves of thoughts
there is story in this article

Swamiananda, and his disciple Ranga, were strolling on the beach by the ocean. It was a cold day and the wind was blowing strongly over the ocean, raising very high waves. 

After walking for some time, Swamiananda stopped, looked at his disciple and asked: 
"What does the choppy ocean remind you?" 

"It reminds me of my mind. Of my rushing and restless thoughts", answered Ranga. 

"Yes, the stormy ocean is like the mind, and the waves are the thoughts. The mind is neutral like the water. It is neither good, nor bad. The wind is causing the waves, as desires and fears produce thoughts", said Swamiananda. 

"I wouldn't want to be on a boat, in the middle of the ocean, in a storm like this", said Ranga. 

"You are there all the time." Responded Swamiananda and continued, "Most people are on a rudderless boat in the middle of a choppy ocean, even if they do not realize it. The mind of most people is very restless. Thoughts of all kinds come and go incessantly, agitating the mind like the ocean's waves." 

"Yes", Ranga interrupted him, "You don't have to tell me. This is the reason I am with you. I want to calm down the waves of my mind." 

Swamiananda looked at Ranga for a while, smiled and said: 
"You don't calm the ocean by holding the water and not letting it move. What is necessary is to stop the wind. The wind is made of your thoughts, desires and fears. Don't let them rule your life. Learn to control them by controlling your attention, and then the ocean of your mind becomes calm." 

"And how do I do that?" 

"Suppose it is possible for the ocean to disregard the wind, what would happen then?" asked Swamiananda. 

"The waves would cease. However, no one can stop the wind." 

Swamiananda looked at him with a mysterious smile and said: 
"Why not? The wind, the ocean, and thoughts are all within the mind. When you can control the mind, you can control everything within it. But first you have to control your mind, which means you have to control your attention." 

"Yes master", said Ranga, " this is what I am trying to do. You say whoever controls his mind can also control the wind. Can you do that?" 

"First learn to calm down the ocean of your mind, and then find out if you can calm down the ocean. It is better to learn to control the mind, than enjoying mental tricks. When you calm your mind, you can calm down everything." 

calm down your mind and then you will realize what is god...

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