Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I am exploring the Jiya Khan's suicide letter and other letters  and making analysis of jiya khan letters as per as my knowledge ...i am collecting all the letters of jiya khan and trying to figure out the mind state of jiya khan ...and what it is that inside her mind that tend her to step for the suicide

In the First step i am arising out the confusion over the handwriting difference of Jiya the image is as shown is the letter written before the time of ...i think several months or year...but i am sure it had not written near by June 2013 suicide letter..

here i am analyzing the letter of the stable state of mind because it can show us the probability of her suicidal approach...because at the time of suicide she could be different than normal her normal handwriting was like this

We can clearly see her  strong Right tilt letters...trait showing that jiya was dependent on the peoples around her...she was always enjoying the company given by the peoples who was close to her ..her communication skill was fantastic..awe full...but the fact was she was not able to survive single...if the condition comes to jiya that she have to stay alone for sometime...she would be having feel of loneliness...consistent right tilt...

jiya was fantastic when she was on the screen..on her professional field...because at that place jiya was having a peoples around her and she enjoys that...but when she use to be alone it was impossible to fight with loneliness for fact her ego was also made by others..

this was the time when jiya was thinking that her Dreams was very close to her because of the lower case g lower loop ending just coming to the baseline...most of the time the lower loop are completing and touching the base line and most of the time it is just not complete...this was the time...jiya was having very strong desire for the materialistic stuffs......she can even leave her dream and family  to complete her Desire in the materialistic manner, I am sure that she was having the courage to leave her family and dreams for the one she loves most...because the lower loops are very very compare to the middle and upper section...

there is a conflict and confusion showing here between the social environment of jiya because of her  middle section inconsistency...some letters are very small and some are big...just look at the 16th is showing the p like structure showing the sigh of argumentative approach...jiya was seldom use to do an argument but here it is only one sigh in whole letter ...which means there must be a valid reason for being argumentative...because she has a low t bar...which shows she could be a submissive most of the times..she has a low self esteem...

on the contrary she was a great actor ..because the height of the upper loops are retraced and consistent...her profession was going good she was not disturbed by the professional ups and downs...and she was also that much smart that her personal issue did not let effect her acting carrier.

Single stroke I showing that she was not sharing her personal issue to the social environment...her personal issue was secret...i mean the instability that she was facing on her personal level was being to be hidden...that  she was hiding her affair with her family...

whole script did not shows any sigh for acquisitive nature but wait there is great secret lies here...only when ever she written "You" she had only applied a cup type initial stroke to "y" of "you" and most interestingly that cup type structure is not used consistently on"you" but it is used in some of the "you" it means...jiya was not possessive but she was caring for her love...she was not possessive it is sure and clear fact.

at the time when she written this she was  imaginative in the context of reality type girl...her imaginations was based on reality...i dots on the line of tracing slant...just on middle mostly
her preference between Dreams Desire and Family will be like...First Desire...secondly Dreams....third family.
she had written words so close, that shows she needs someones possession...well we all knows that one...
i already explained that she was fully dependent girl...

Now take a look on her suicide letter
what a difference...

  • she started losing her communication skill....variation in slant(previously she has a consistent slant)
  • there is nothing trait showing that she have a heart problem since from year as per as my knowledge...because there is a smooth regular stroke upper thing is clear that her heart was medically healthy as per as my knowledge concerns
  • at the starting of letter the slant was inconsistent....and coming to the sixth page variation slant variation is increased
  • the lower loops changed  and become incomplete...90% of lower loops was not completed and the few was  coming to base line had taken triangular type structure that means...she was taking care of her relation being very cautious..and REGIMENTAL regulates personal relationships, carefully controls physical surroundings, good strategist...but she founds that her desires had not completed yet
  • no acquisitive loop...even no initial cup like formation on"you" she written in whole letter

t bar drop to bottom that previous one that means Someone who writes with low t-bars hardly find any good qualities in herself. Normally, such a person has no problem being treated as a doormat. When she is abused in her personal life, she won’t retaliate; instead, she licks the feet of the perpetrator. It may appear insane and irrational, but there are people like that. Now, why would someone do that? 
  • letter is straight....previously it was extremely tilted to Right...which shows Jiya knows that she has to live Single Now and with The variation of that she was losing her communication skill with variation in slant
  • she became broad minded than previous one..."e" she use has a great difference
  • jab like i dot showing  IRRITABILITY easily annoyed by minor or momentary disturbances

Mose of "W"swinging on left showing fear of getting Hurt including second last line even "u"swing in left with exaggeration...still jab like i dots showing easily annoyed by this was the state when it become worse towards we go upto last page

  • insecurity loops g and a most of time showing jia wants to say something but she is not able to say that she is locking that into her heart

variation in upper zone , middle zone and lower zone  arise  even slant variation increased and we can see its most probably towers left...
so we can see the HUGE DIFFERENCE that person how can be now on the way to be alone...
last two can see slant is either straight or left tilted..more the left more the person is wanting to be alone see the"Destroyed", "Ambition"

something serious point here look at the t bar going extremity on first line the in "Eborted" t bar is out of the line...showing jia had just wrote that without thinking ...and her chances of doing things without thinking is increasing..t bar is somehow become going upward showing... IMPATIENCE eager to act with no delay, wants speed up activity or thoughts, plans to immediately finish the starting of this page her temper had Bursted with T-BAR TO THE FAR RIGHT OF THE T-STEM..while writing "Eborted"

analyse from the beginning of letter she is trying to use trait UPWARD FORWARD T BAR which shows LIGHTHEARTED expects plans to just happen, fall into place, and should be doing...most of time she had done that light hearten. t the world are not clear and lower loops are becoming small somewhere, as compare to previous letter you can clearly see she is killing her desired as they are incomplete not reaching to base line...i wish she could succeed making at-least a upward forward t bar...may be she could be saved as she feel some how Light hearten when doing it so...she tried lot used light hearten T but it didn't worked as her low self esteem (low t bar on stem , as she can either make a low t bar or low to high upward forward one bar) had killed her feel of light hearten quality...

i salute to one triat of jiya that in whole scenario she didn't gone out of the base line...her every word was touching the base line...she was walking on guidelines...but what type of guidelines it could be that she followed so strictly ?..i am sure that she was not the one who had made her guide lines otherwise she will write somehow upside the base line ...she was following some guidelines ..i am not sure whether it is a professional guidelines or personal...but there was an existence of a guidelines in her life...which may played an important role role in increasing her probability towards suicide(because so much strictness that like, i don't want to make mistake , being so cautious is negative triat) or decreasing probability(it also dont let writter to go on depression) ...i don't know what was it...she was doctrinaire she dont want to do mistake as she followed base line so could she step for suicide...?
reference jiya khans Handwriting analysis was done by this web
 Write choice...handwriting analysis

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