chin projected forward- problem eaters..
more projected outward more tenacious and determinations the person is.
well i know one of my friend having this one

if you wana one you knows so this is one
wide chin very competitive
says come on i will take you to the chin
Shrikant combination of wide and projected forward chin
side one world knows who is she ...
one more person is here
more projected outward more tenacious and determinations the person is.
well i know one of my friend having this one

if you wana one you knows so this is one
wide chin very competitive
says come on i will take you to the chin
Shrikant combination of wide and projected forward chin
side one world knows who is she ...
one more person is here
if the chin is square then these peoples can bring you out from the financial crises
so if you are in financial crises you must look for the person who has square chin
just like this person..
high eye brows
let them move first, respect dont rush and hug them
just look to AngelinaJolie
and lower the eye brows
like mr surabh and mr shrikant
more the lower eyebrow more friendly the person is
they will not mind and often do casual touch (but they should not do these with high eyebrows)
with wide and square chin
i always observed that people(friends) had taken advantage of their income ....Saurabh (right one )if the chin is square then these peoples can bring you out from the financial crises
so if you are in financial crises you must look for the person who has square chin
just like this person..
high eye brows
let them move first, respect dont rush and hug them
just look to AngelinaJolie
and lower the eye brows
like mr surabh and mr shrikant
more the lower eyebrow more friendly the person is
they will not mind and often do casual touch (but they should not do these with high eyebrows)
straight eye brows
mr saurabh , hardik (red t shirt) and (the one who is on stairs i dont know his name )
means reserves controls exactly what they want and how they will get it....i am also having this one trait look into this
staight cross
be gentle with them...height of confrontation , its me but i apologize if i had confronted you past before

high arched enjoys and expressive in emotions ammuse them selves
high arched enjoys and expressive in emotions amuse them selves
balanced semicircle eyebrows somebody who can see every thing peoples situation
opportunities in can flow harmony,,,it is very difficult to find theses peoples...i didnt found anyone
sso this is
high arched enjoys and expressive in emotions amuse them selves
balanced semicircle eyebrows somebody who can see every thing peoples situation
opportunities in can flow harmony,,,it is very difficult to find theses peoples...i didnt found anyone
sso this is
sharp point on top of eyebrow
can see how project frm start to finish,,,they are very self employed this is the person who is self employed from very early age...say hie to meet with kalpesh
very close eye
focused,,( right thing, do now)
wide set eye
see whole picture (they must limit their priorty)
slant....are very fast tell them the bottom line.
straight....needs to see whole picture before they do anything, dont try hurry them meet sagar sitting right here ...
(tell them big pic picture then go step step by step).
height of head
front of head high
spends more time for thinking
focus focus focus try to accomplish complete 1 thing in a day
back of the head high
you do and they knew think about it
thin long face...learns things step by step with his own pace
(cautious if they have additionally close eye socket)
needs his time to think...
woh!!! woh!! woh! dont force these peoples to do a task as per your time they can become argumentative ,because they takes their own time to learn the things so well here its like a b c d e .......takes time to reach ....z
wide face...well they can understands,,,like goes very fast abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
unlike thin long face
also very crazy things woh woh woh party
(if they finds they are not evolve kind to be very discourage)
teacher lines lease lines...empathy lines longer the deeper, more they knows importance of smile
epicanthal fold folds that let not visible eyelieds...dont bother if they argu with you
they can go to prove u wrong to prove them right
if we grown frm fear we choose what we see from envoirnment
visible eyelieds....
give me action their goal is to get their quickly and efficiently
just get out of the way this is what we got to do lets have a look
angle is eyes
up to face /\
can detects what is wrong
crroked pictures will drive yo nuts
wolverine eyes...
big irrises with not much whiteness
express their emotions very freely
small irriess with much large white
they are very unfortable in extreem emotions
(dont try to force them to share feeling)
wide set--serious
care giver the scopy nose loook after to ppls they loves
sees pppls one on one
( we must give scoopy nose person our quality time)
beaky nose they try to look on everybody
(feels nobody appriciates me )
Big nostrils independent - advice for big nostrils its great to be independent but should ask other their opinions
they can throw the decisions on other if they are incharge
small- trust ur self be reponsible for ur own decisions these ppls have much difficulty for decisions needs other opinions
angle of underside
quick rich
down - skeptic they goes through everyfact before they jump
up - (advice - take time to de reasearch before you jump into something)
fulcrum area between nose and mouth
short-look just right in every occasion
long-what you do is more imp than how u look
mouth turns up to collers- optimist
mouth turns dwn to collers- bit of the pessimist
Small top lip,big lower one
talking persones needs to talks
its like
(if the while line above the upper lip they are like giving instruction to them not to cry)
big upper lip likes to share their things
wide jaws- they often look more threatning then they really are
ppl thinks about them that they can do more than they often can
narrow jaw-learn to strick what you bring upfront be definite repect you own
ear above nostrial line - perfectionist
ear below the nostrials - flows with flows
cheek bone- adventures
low cheekbones-
high center of gravity- long legs- choose sit for long period of time
low center of gravity- short legs- choose to stand for long period of time
skin thin less insulation thin bones;
must choose the place where you can make protective envoirnment
thick skin more insulation wide bones;
you function easily while out doors
sharp point on top of eyebrow
can see how project frm start to finish,,,they are very self employed this is the person who is self employed from very early age...say hie to meet with kalpesh
very close eye
focused,,( right thing, do now)
wide set eye
see whole picture (they must limit their priorty)
slant....are very fast tell them the bottom line.
straight....needs to see whole picture before they do anything, dont try hurry them meet sagar sitting right here ...
(tell them big pic picture then go step step by step).
height of head
front of head high
spends more time for thinking
focus focus focus try to accomplish complete 1 thing in a day
back of the head high
you do and they knew think about it
now lets move to section two
width of the face*****************************************
thin long face...learns things step by step with his own pace
(cautious if they have additionally close eye socket)
needs his time to think...
woh!!! woh!! woh! dont force these peoples to do a task as per your time they can become argumentative ,because they takes their own time to learn the things so well here its like a b c d e .......takes time to reach ....z
wide face...well they can understands,,,like goes very fast abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
unlike thin long face
also very crazy things woh woh woh party
(if they finds they are not evolve kind to be very discourage)
teacher lines lease lines...empathy lines longer the deeper, more they knows importance of smile
epicanthal fold folds that let not visible eyelieds...dont bother if they argu with you
they can go to prove u wrong to prove them right
if we grown frm fear we choose what we see from envoirnment
visible eyelieds....
give me action their goal is to get their quickly and efficiently
just get out of the way this is what we got to do lets have a look
angle is eyes
up to face /\
can detects what is wrong
crroked pictures will drive yo nuts
wolverine eyes...
big irrises with not much whiteness
express their emotions very freely
small irriess with much large white
they are very unfortable in extreem emotions
(dont try to force them to share feeling)
wide set--serious
care giver the scopy nose loook after to ppls they loves
sees pppls one on one
( we must give scoopy nose person our quality time)
beaky nose they try to look on everybody
(feels nobody appriciates me )
Big nostrils independent - advice for big nostrils its great to be independent but should ask other their opinions
they can throw the decisions on other if they are incharge
small- trust ur self be reponsible for ur own decisions these ppls have much difficulty for decisions needs other opinions
angle of underside
quick rich
down - skeptic they goes through everyfact before they jump
up - (advice - take time to de reasearch before you jump into something)
fulcrum area between nose and mouth
short-look just right in every occasion
long-what you do is more imp than how u look
mouth turns up to collers- optimist
mouth turns dwn to collers- bit of the pessimist
Small top lip,big lower one
talking persones needs to talks
its like
(if the while line above the upper lip they are like giving instruction to them not to cry)
Mouth size - funfun
A large mouth is more fun, social and talkative while a small mouth is quiet, private and sincere.
Large mouth: social
Small mouth: sincere
Upper lip - expression of thought
A thick upper lip is outspoken and direct while a thin upper lip is indirect and secretive.
Thick upper lip: outspoken
Thin upper lip: secretive
Lower lip - expression of emotion
Charmers can persuade people with their Blarney lip while reserved people speak with a thin lower lip.
Thick lower lip: persuasive
Thin lower lip: reserved
big upper lip likes to share their things
wide jaws- they often look more threatning then they really are
ppl thinks about them that they can do more than they often can
narrow jaw-learn to strick what you bring upfront be definite repect you own
ear above nostrial line - perfectionist
ear below the nostrials - flows with flows
cheek bone- adventures
low cheekbones-
high center of gravity- long legs- choose sit for long period of time
low center of gravity- short legs- choose to stand for long period of time
skin thin less insulation thin bones;
must choose the place where you can make protective envoirnment
thick skin more insulation wide bones;
you function easily while out doors
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