Sunday, September 26, 2021


More you try to stop,
More your speed will increase.
All are working just for great future.
just to get a bright future , many are compromising.
many are  compromising their present for a better future.
Here there is a mechanism how these things work
first need to understand why , all want good future,
there are some other species like Ant they do arrangements for future like they 
arranges food for rainy season . because it is very difficult for them .
so to avoid difficulty in future people bring that difficulty from future to present and
they wanted to use that difficulty which is placed in the future .

it's just like someone has a bitter gourd , many people keep this vegetable at the bottom of their priority list, but just consider for example that for some reason someone has to consume it because of health reasons as doctor suggested him 

so this person wanted to consume this bitter gourd now  which is placed for the future .
here one can clearly see that one is trying to replace the product with respect to time . 

it is easy to bring that bitter gourd , but there is something which is faint and difficult to be sure that , WHAT ABOUT TODAY'S sweet. 

so if someone  put this sweet for future, hence for sure that will turn into something more bitter than bitter gourd.more over nature will add some more flavours which is out of the range of human kind consumption , that may be helpful for microorganisms like fungal and many more , but for you it is difficult to imagine.

same applies with life , happiness of life which they are now feeling  is like sweets we have NOW . it is as fresh as Morning fragnance  

lets dive little deeper here
do you know what is going to be happen with you when you will look around  after reading this ? like if you will get call from your old friend ? or your mom can remind about about the things which is still pending by just fixing your ears 
but you can feel the feeling of Now., you can enjoy and knows what is happening with you RIGHT now. 

you know better this moment ,than a moment which is waiting for you , one can only imagine or just assume regarding it , its just an assumption by analysing the present situation around us and the past.. is it an good deal if you have 1 crore rupee and just by assuming this 1 crore rupee will turn into 1 rupee in future you will plan to put that in PNB punjab national bank and that goes BANKRUPT 

google PNB india and you can see the results . those people who kept their SWEETS
QUESTION arrises 
IS IT GOOD to plan for future?
just want to correct this 
IT IS GOOD TO PREPARE for future than TO PLAN  for future  
it is good to build muscles for future than to get GUN for security
if you are able to enjoy present and feel something valuable in you, automatically your future is building itself, then one can say it is the way of preserving PICKLES of life 
as this word itself defines and says it is PICKLES , pickit very consciously. it is something  which can be done with feeling which you have rightnow and that is presntly out of your range of acceptability. you can keep that as for PICKLES.

so that is the different procedure which we will Discuss in upcoming blogs PICKLES OF LIFE  . but for now. enjoy the sweetness of  wisdom which is going to make wise.

Choose wisely be nicely 
The sweetness of bitter gourd . Better to have what you have right now.

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