Sunday, October 20, 2013

Myth about the book of god where future had written

Every one says that everything in this world is predetermine and definitely planned to let that happen, but if everything is planned like a algorithm… it will work as it is written then , why we are here , why we are just making it let it happen… well eye think…yes it is true that everything is written in a book of god…but not everything…like in a supernatural world…feelings, power of feelings works…so god had written only the quality of feeling you will get at the moment and next upcoming moment…

          Some peoples use to fight with the feelings coming into them…they didn’t think about it and just starts hustle approach becomes a stubborn with that feel…but this makes them the person where the evil born…remember the word “per son” it means every son of god…of course it includes daughters also that just a humorous point that …the fact is universe says it is universal approach…in a general language we don’t have a word which could put both gender in one context…and if I have to put them in one context…I have to elaborate it in a typical intangible approach…it is enough difficult for me to explain it here , I don’t want to make it insane…

          So the point is god had written only feelings we are getting in …it could be coming inside us  via anything like any situation…if some one says like hey if I would get married to my sweet heart I will not in a moment presently like in pain…hey wohw wohw wait…may be it could be something more  worse was waiting to let happen  to him which would turn him in the state where he is now and its just a satisfaction he is getting by applying a condition…but the point is it is sure that the quality of thought he is getting in will be same…may be he will face a financial crises if he get his sweet heart…

          We also write algorithms…we are not that kind of moron that we will give a simple function…we also have some sort of conditional unexpected situation…so we uses... “IF ELSE LOOP”
GOD IS MORE Intelligent  THAN  US, He also have a conditional unexpected situation and that situation is our reaction…and hence to overcome this …god also have a “IF ELSE FUNCTION”…like if a person is stuck in a condition  he opens a gates and he also has a programming like if any type of unexpected work  or gate we finds what will be….but one thing is the all theory ends in one point, the time …this time is to feel good… this time to feel bad…anything it could be in any time…feelings are the thing we cannot hold we don’t know how we are going to feel in next moment…we know we have to get up early in a morning, we know we have to achieve the heights and success of hill…we know that we have to break all fcuking barriers and reach to the place we want to…but we don’t know how we are going to feel in next moment…some peoples achieves the peak of success and the next moment they become disappoint  that heyyy…its not working it anymore…they really not feeling great…good…they even don’t know the reason behind all this…

          BECAUSE THE QUALITY OF FEELING HAD ALREADY WRITTEN IN A BOOK OF GOD…god don’t have deal of making you a project ceo  or any kind of business strategy…what we becomes what we didn’t becomes is just his path to let you to the feeling he had written for you…god had made a points where and when you have a feeling of sadness and happy, funny, romantic any thing…and he gives you the various path he opens various gates…shows you many ways…all is going to reach into next feeling, I don’t know what it will be good and bad…but I know one thing that …I don’t have a right to say like if that person had not done blab blab thing to me …I know that the BLAME GAME is not going to work any more…may be if he does according to me then something different would be waiting for me to put me in this kind of feeling…I AM JUST A PER SON OF GOD WHO HAS TO FACE THE FEELING HE IS GIVING US EITHER GOOD  feel OR BAD…I HAVE TO ACCEPT THIS… mug up this all…ya of course  I know some one will arise a question like all path function is made from a point function…lot of points…

          The answer is god is not a cruel …that he had written every thing …he let some points for us also …he given freedom for every person…but at some point of life he have to write your future…after all its his duty boss…its duty to let us free for a decision and choice at some extent, his duty to give someone justice and some ones Revenge…and this justice and revenge …the distance between justice and revenge is  nothing but a religion…more you go towards justice more you will become religious…more you go toward revenge more you will become antireligious…

          If you have hurt any one you will get hurt somehow, somewhere…if you have love anyone you will get love somehow somewhere…this algorithm is a future and based on our present work…

          I am also in the favor of the peoples who says god is with in all of us…and imagine such a complex algorithms he has to write for every one, how would god will write future of each and everyone person from one place…yes it is true that he is with in all of us and writing our future according to our present and giving us conclusion of past giving us pain because somewhere somehow we have taken freedom of god  and misused it and created hate and given pain…and now we are facing our own feel we had given someone once upon a time…if you says like you are facing hurt and start war against hurt …cut that hurt by giving hurt to other peoples…you are writing your own algorithm…and going to face again hurt…remember..We are in a UNIVERSE…IT’S AN UNIVERSAL FOR ALL OF US…you will not achieve love from hate…you will not achieve GOOD FROM BAD…this freedom is our life…and religion is justice…
          “Just+ ease= justice…chill guys”…you are your own god…if you are accepting hurt now. Remember you are writing a good algorithm for future…does not start war against your own feel…accept it, accept it with a pleasure…with composure with tranquil state of mind…

          And just think over it why you feel good and bad …you all will find condition…if else…all the feeling of good is based on condition and all the feelings of bad is based on condition…you have to erase that part from your algorithm you have to correct your algorithm…god is you …you have written your present on past and you only will written that in future…go deeper and deeper….just go beyond this conditions on which  we are dependent about our feel…our emotion…and when you will accept all this things and start feeling good, Remember the most important part of this concept is feeling….

          If you are accepting the pain and if you are feeling pain, it doesn’t sense anymore, its an absurd approach…because that was just a happened, and ya its true that today you have a feelings good or bad what ever it is because of your past ….do not let it happen like it is dependent on your past, yes this is also true it is related to your past but not because of your past…just concentrate like its related to your past is more better that because of your past…
          You know why? Why its like just related to your past not because of past…because you have a brain…brain works all time with heart..and this algorithms’ are made to be written on your subconscious mind…in your brain its like when we listen 256 hertz in a momentary time at a instant it’s a standard that its C note in side the brain its log 256 …but when you listen 512 hertz double than before its working in mind in a logarithmic manner its like log2+ log256 and hence we again name it C but not just C we named it Higher C…its related to previous one not because of previous one…

          If this higher C is because of C then we will not really have a more exploration about log2...More the person will concentrate about the extra log function he will feel something new…and more the person will concentrate about common log function he will feel old one …this type of old one feeling peoples cannot learn about music…because in a sa, re ga , ma , pa , dha, ni ,sa of a C scale or any scale…the difference is their extra log function…and hence the C scale have a note C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C respectively…it’s a C scale because its having a connection with 256 hertz…the other notes which comes in C scale will having a different  different  extra log functions…but common log function with each of them….Imagine if we consider our that higher C is because of C …or we can say New one is Because of old one…or we can say …anything new one is because of something old one…its  like a dependent function…any I am explaining you, that why this is not like this , why it is not a dependent function , why any our feeling is not dependent on our old feeling…because listening note C is also a one type of feeling…if we was just listening but not feeling it…we will  be not able to make a connection between this C and Higher C note…its because we feel , its because emotion aroused at that instant, its because energy had flow , energy had performed motion… at that instant… it s because energy motion that emotion…and feeling the note  C is lower level of emotion and you know the higher level of emotion we use to let flow in our body in general life …feeling of pain, feelings…blab blab blab

So Eye am elaboration that why the new emotion is not because of old one …the fact is it is just related to old one
          So the answer is look at this view…the another scale in music same having the sa, re ga , ma, pa , dha , ni , sa…and but if this scale is different scale not C… its D scale the notes will be D,E,F#,G,A,B,C#,D. you can see C scale is also having E,D,G,A,B  notes…but with in the C scale all c scale notes having a common logarithmic function that log 256 and different different additional extra logarithmic function. But this is a D scale so in this D scale the common logarithmic function will be D note frequency and the extra logarithmic function will make  all the notes …so rest of the notes like E, D, G ,A , B…. this is not dependent on any notes like C or D…no they don’t behaves like a dependent  function…they are independent and  we are here who let them make a dependent by applying it into a boundary condition that’s  C scale or D scale… so that is related to the old one just related…remember just related

           On higher level every emotion is just related to old one……because we feel something when we plays a scale…C scale or D scale…we have a connection between that all notes and that connection, or that common logarithmic function…makes a path to flow the emotion in our body to feel something…that common logarithmic function gives a connection to different notes to let make a sense or to let make a logic. To let make a scale also …that act like a bridge between two things to become related… we can not say like it is because of the past listen note…yes it is because of past, only if it is in any boundary condition our in a scale…out of the boundary all emotions is independent emotions, out of the scale all notes have their own frequency…but with in the scale they should follow the scale and should be adjusted like 
(Extra log function) + (common log function) = frequency of note
It always is having a different elaboration according to the boundary…according to the scale …
          In more complex scales…like modes of scale…like ionion, dorian they can hold the emotion like minor scales and major…the minor holds a sadness and major holds a happiness…its all like how the connection have made…
          We now better known with a fact that our feelings are just related to old one …okhey its not because of that past…it can come with deferent medium…I can reach to D note with adjusting extra log function and common log function…I have thousands of ways to reach at note D…so finally we came to the point that we are just related to past….not because of past…what we are now is just related to the previous moment…and every moment we are a new …every moment we are having a really different things…a typical new things…higher C is new…just related to C…okhey…here we got the conclusion that …
          If we are feeling the pain about our past karma…past work …we should be aware that my present pain is just related to old one its not the same as old…its has something new…so I have to discover this new thing…this new thing ... will give me a joy…because every new thing gives person a new way…new joy…concern about that the new combination, between the extra log function and common log function…you will having a new feeling ….every time a new thing ….

          Imagine if I will concern about common logarithmic function…how I will be able to make a next note, its like a I have a bridge but its on air on my left side nothing is their and on my right side nothing is their…how I will make a scales, how I will make a modes, how I will feel that when I listen it, because the life is disturbance it’s a rhythmic disturbance called a music….
          That’s a life ….if we are able to do this having a life like a really new life …a spirit apart from pain and happy…good or bad… the life will flow in a fantastic way…this is what OSHO and lord GAUTAM Buddha and all peoples have said ….i just  given you a logic to their approach because

About the future book it’s a just myth…but with logic you can have a reason to accept it…I have given that to you…I said that it is their  and how it works and also given a way to make our algorithm good…find the new things…

          Discover the new things…feel beyond the good and bad…because every moment is passing we are in a path of being human…that’s why we are called as”HUMAN BEING”…we are in speed and don’t start loving any thing which makes you stop at any particular moment or place…because if you stops, time will not stop..It will flow and you will be living in past …live in present…life exist in present…DISCOVER that’s what we can do ….that’s what we can accept the past karma without destroying the future…because most peoples accept it but feeling the pain about the past will give again pain in future…if we concern about the combination about the present pain…the extra log function and common log…and become more conscious about the extra log function...Their is a next moment which will teach something about the world about yourselves…which is waiting write now…
Finally I just wanted to say…I don’t know any thing but

NOTE: eye believes that the computer is base on C language…we human are based and work on log language…so the basis log...And all human understanding is based on this log…like the C is basics of computer…

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