Sunday, January 26, 2014


We uses our clock having 12 divisions Timing reference …but when we use to learn Music staff language most common is 4/4 16 beats, so here if we considers 16 division clock we can learn up to semiquaver note, but not able to understand demi semi quaver and hemi demi semi Quaver note… we will be able to learn music and all the task which we wants to do, with in a smallest time even in a semi quaver clock.

If you want to learn music first we learn from 16 beats that’s…4 beats

Staff language seems like this as above given

Above notations are used for timing sequencing and frequency location
So here

If the one measure for example

The calculation is just like this
All notes are Whole note (semibreve) having value 1
In 4/4 beats there is a compulsory that the calculation have answer 4
Because the every timing symbol has one value with respect to one whole beat
Duration of the note

After entering Note Entry mode, select the duration of the note you need

From the Note Entry toolbar, or use the corresponding keyboard shortcut.

The keyboard shortcuts for selecting the note duration are:

• 1: 64th note (hemi demisemiquaver) given value 1/64

• 2: 32nd note (demisemiquaver) given value 1/32

• 3: 16th note (semiquaver) given value 1/16

• 4: Eighth note (quaver) given value 1/8

• 5: Quarter note (crotchet) given value 1/4

• 6: Half note (minim) given value 1/2

• 7: Whole note (semibreve) given value 1

• 8: Double whole note (breve) given value is 2

• 9: Longa given value is 4

• 0: Rest

•. A period (dot) changes the selected duration into a dotted note
And our conventional clock is like this
You can clearly see the difference between these two
We can increase the tempo of music clock in order to understand timing more better way so hence we have more flexibility on the quick response and understanding these quick response…in fact if a one can easily learn these timing once and becomes master in understanding these all he can develop control in all his body parts …while playing piano we develops control in our fingers and hands…
But in this case we will be controlling our all body parts…
Just by looking into a Music clock…one can easily achieve the peak of excellence
The most interesting stuff is Music Clock and conventional clock has a common at the quarter
If we consider a one second equals to one quarter note, and counting only quarter, half, whole, double, longa, they have the same performance….but when they are got into the semi quarter and all…it becomes very different….because it music clock has 4 division and clock has a 3 division within a quarter.
If we want to learn
• 1: 64th note (hemi demisemiquaver) given value 1/64

• 2: 32nd note (demisemiquaver) given value 1/32

• 3: 16th note (semiquaver) given value 1/16

• 4: Eighth note (quaver) given value 1/8
Including timing which we was not able to understand in our conventional clock

It will require making a clock of 64 divisions in one second

So here hence more the divisions more it will become convenient

At this minute level our machine will record a nearly perfect timing

In automation we will use the Music clock…and hence when we will work on FEEDBACK CONTROLL SYSTEM our machine will response more rapidly …because as we plays staff notation the signals plays as it is written no matter how fast it is …hence in automation we always sacrifices with the timing but in future we will having control on response..
We will write the commands in Music timing in software so it will play and the machine will work in our required time… more over OUR HUMANOID WILL ALSO WORK IN THIS WAY…BECAUSE MUSIC IS A LIFE.
All Information in computer is in Binary form
So here we are converting it into logarithmic form…and using it
We will associate all timings with a proper task we wish to let it be done…and when it will play it will work in shorter time…imagine our robots will run with their own legs more faster than humans.

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