Monday, June 9, 2014

Distance Matters

There is two supreme power between which we exists …that’s repulsion and attraction….and the space and time is also the conclusion of that…so here I will took you to the journey from the universe to the earth with some fact we can get learn from all these superior supreme powers…
                Earth is revolving around sun…if there is a certain force which keep attraction to the sun…then there must be a force which keeps distance between sun and earth…and that is the velocity of earth…a balanced velocity of earth…which doesn’t let win centrifugal force …and hence here the distance matters because that distance is responsible for a life in earth…lets have a deeper look…so what is the exactly the velocity of earth …what we have to do about it …because everything is alright…but wait!!!!
Because every thing in this universe is not for just a purpose of knowledge…but it’s an encoding ….Encoding …we having lot of things around us but…we have a sun, air, different planets…so it have a very nice look out …
Here am focusing the one of the kind of encoding…
Doesn’t u think!!!the motion of earth is like a Beautiful woman on toe revolving and dancing like phenomenon…it has a Rhythm…so every thing in this universe alive is having a RHYTHM…RHYTHM is what a just a motion…it’s a movement..Even our galaxy is not constant…even our Whole universe is not constant it is expanding continually …so just keep focus on a change…the change is responsible all where we can imagine and where we cant imagine…all around us…there is a Change…
Coming to the point why distance matters…
Its not about you should be keep yourself little away from the all things and should not ever cross the limit but its like having a fun In your life…if we are having a fun in our life then nobody can make us unhappy…like earth is dancing OK…EARTH is dancing around sun…but go on the cause behind the dance…because it is related to your birth…because EARTH is revolving and Rotating around sun since it has taken a Birth in this universe…
And you all are living organism you all had already taken a birth with a gift of JOY…
Gift of JOY can u understand the meaning of Gift of Joy…
Yes u are RIGHT…it’s happiness we are experiencing in every single moment…but there is also the fact that is the Happiness is momentary flash…depending on condition…it comes and goes but wait!!!
Just feel if you were an EARTH then what will be the cause of your dance because EARTH is having  A DANCE since it has taken a birth in his universe …and look still EARTH is Enjoying the DANCE…DON’T you Think EARTH will get BORED  with these reactions…no…because there is lot of ACTIVITIES around EARTH Happening and Giving the Earth different Conditions…EARTH got influences of gravity of HALLEYS COMETS…but all there are very momentary Flashes so …Earth Really got an ENTERTAINMENT with that but What ? if there will be no Activities like external …is still there will be the Rotation and revolution of EARTH WITHOUT these Comets….YES EARTH WILL ROTATE AND REVOLVE …because the JOY Earth had been got since from the Birth ….will be with the Earth throughout its Whole life…it will be in motion for ever …so what’s the basic Gift of nature and what’s the distance…
Look when we have a distance where we can concentrate what we have …and Distance is nothing but a space …you can say like we all should have a Personal space like in Bathroom we Sings a Songs …so there should be a time and place and the distance or what ever you can say it a little time …to concentrate on what you have the basic joy…so we all have to find out what we have a basic joy of life…that will give a happiness of life for ever and forever
                 God is so good that we have a different Entertainments  All around us…but just Think …We should not forget the basic gift and hence we should Enjoy all things Round us…what if suddently theses all stops  TV, internet...But when u will Experience the Disappointments on whatever all around us… then u have an Option..But that Option is related to the Birth of our Human race , so finally we have to be Happy with What ever we have and ultimately we will be having what we have to achieve…
We have to achieve PEACE, HAPPINESS…no that all are given us since we have taken Birth and hence we should use that without making it dependent on the things we had or we have or we want to …so Nobody can feel you inferior with out your permission…u are good and good is the GOD…
Even the evil says “being bad makes me feel good”…have a look what every body wants finally that’s goodness…but there are variation on the way to feel good …but finally all evil and angels all are running for feel of good…There is nothing here like positive and Negative all where is a Positivity but the way of achieving that makes us evil and angel…
There should be a distance …that distance gives us our IDENTITY…because EARTHS IDENTITY is not the life…EARTHS IDENTITY is  not like it is the only Planet where Life exist…But the IDENTITY of EARTH is its Place where it had been revolving and rotating…goldilocks zone
 EARTHS IDENTITY lies on its Position and its linear velocity…
I f in case (we consider an earth is a Beautiful Dancing woman) decreases its Linear velocity (IDENTITY) then Earth will be Forced by an Extreme Gravity of Sun and it will burn in sun…so because of its Linear velocity Earth is having a life…because of the position it had gain…earth is having life…so because of where we have taken a Birth we are alive…because of where we can feel the BALANCE…
Remember we have to find a BALANCE based on the things we have eternally and related to our birth and will be with you till your death…

Our Body
I think it’s all the positive words you have ever heard…if I am going to write it down I will be in infinite dimension and experiencing never ending process
Theses all the stuffs you have are already present and you have to trust on it…the best thing is IT is not Depending on the situation…if you let it make dependent on situation or external activities…you are the responsible person who are playing the casino with your life…
But we are thinking we can multiply that by demanding Luck from the god…and playing casino with that making shortcut

We have to find our space where we can nourish our qualities we have…where we can become happier than happy…where we can become graduate from the alphabetical knowledge of arrangement
You know we all knows A to Z alphabets but why some peoples have great knowledge basically EINSTEIN also knows A_Z and you too knows A_Z…because they have taken out an space where they can think about the various combinations of these all alphabets…so its an example…the peoples who are known as great achievers have the space where they think about the combination of what they knows basically
We all have a space but we have to use it…doesn’t get too involves and don’t become too busy, BECAUSE…everybody has to find the space where he/she can smile for a while…even Earth is not a Machine so you knows better…
(Space and time is the same thing but in different context…space refers to physical world dimensional context, and time refers to the fourth dimensional context.)

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