Monday, June 9, 2014

evidence of Alien life

Alien’s foot prints
Our Universe is so large and there must be an alien species at universe somewhere so instead of Masquerading gossip I am coming to the point …that what are the signs that created a inklings for life existence at Europa the Moon of Planet Jupiter…
Here are the some specifications and dimensions of Europa
Europa has Discovered by Galileo Galilei Simon Marius at 8 January 1610 also alled as Jupitar2
It has a mean orbit radius 670900 km
Eccentricity 0.009
Average orbital speed is 13.740km/s
Inclination 0.470 degrees (to the Jupitars Equate)
Physical Characteristics
Mean radius; 1560.8 km that equals 0.245 times Earth
Surface Area 3.09* 107 km^2 that equals’ 0.061 Earths
Volume 1.593*1010 km^3 that equals0.015 Earths
Mass 407998 *1022 kg that equals 0.008 Earths
Most important is the surface temperature of Europa is (-171 degree Celsius) to -148 degree Celsius
Europa is primarily made-up of Silicate Rock and has a probably has an Iron Core.
Its Surface is made-up of Water ice…
And there must be an Ocean beneath the Europa because Eurapa has a heat generation phenomenon by tidal flexing… cause to remain liquid
In December 2013, NASA reported the detection of Clay like Minerals (Specifically Phyllosilicates) Often Associated with Organic material on the Icy crust on Europa
The European Space Agency’s Jupiter icy moon Explorer (JUICE) is mission to Europa that is due to Launch in 2022. NASA is planning a Robotic Mission That Would be launched in The mid -2020s
There is a Ocean existence inside of Europa and the Tidal flexes is the Sources of the heat inside the Europa…Life could exist in its under –ice ocean…Perhaps subsisting in an Environment similar to earths Deep ocean…
I t is obvious that there is no sunlight reach inside the icy crust of Europa but there is a heat source by tidal flexes …so there must be an life form which can survive without sunlight…as in our deep seas the sunlight is far away like absence of Sunlight…deep sea, the sun light is not able to reach at very deep seas…so there must be some life form that doesn’t requires sun light for there survival…there must be life form which can use heat from tidal flexes for the survival purposes
In September 2009, Planetary Scientist Richard Greenberg Calculated That Cosmic Rays Impacting on Europa’s Surface Convert some water ice into free oxygen which could then be Absorbed into the Ocean below as water wells up to Fill Cracks…
You can easily find the lot of events reported like aliens abductions…and in all cases there is a one fundamental common phenomenon… that disfunctioning of electronic equipments…and operational inklings on the body of victim…like he/she had been gone through surgery…and when they all are abducted there is common fundamental that they have seen a light…
So do you know what the deep ocean animal has a property …its generation of electric and magnetic field around them and generation of light in their body parts…
All top secret areas are made inside the ground surface (Especially AREA 51)…like their must not sunlight …like Area 51…
Bermuda Triangle is a region where a see existence is there…and all knows who goes there suffers from electric and magnetic field disfunctioning of all electronic equipments…over the sea…or under the sea and got abducted…
So these are the foot print which indicates that the aliens are at EUROPA…
May be they have implanted their camp at Bermuda triangle…
There is lot of sighs …now if they are constantly abducting peoples then they must be having a place where they are temporarily having a camp…so they have to choose the place just like Europa and the Bermuda triangle is the best place in earth…
When there is a sign of UFO…there is an increase in level of radioactivity …and inside deep seas there is an Radio active elements…may be Europa also having a Radio activity elements and they uses the Radio active elements…mostly we can also point to the fact that…
Silica is must for the electronics…so Europa have a highly content with silica…so there a Resource for them …silica presence will make them highly Advanced in using electronics…so maybe they got the command in electronics and hence….
These are the points which I personally think the signs of intelligent extra terrestrial activity…

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