Sunday, June 25, 2017

TAO in science and life : part 1

According to law of attraction what we think we are attracting it.
as we study the Quantum mechannics doubleslitt experiment, in that experiment 
we got some amazing observation effect. when we observes the double slit 
the whole scenario is changed , why?

what do you think why it happens?
as far as i think its because of law of attraction.
in quantum experiment we are experimenting with particles and frequency uncertainty
and there we are so much near to the gate of law of attraction, as we all knows according to law of attraction
our every thought and every neuron, well its hard in simply i am saying out is 

our thinking realses the frequency,
what we think is already in the quantum world

and i think the law of attraction is one of the laws of quantum world
i mean may be this is our day today life ,

lets take a simple experiment
lets take an examples
there are some assumption which i would like to tell you before explaining these experiments
* These examples are based on first attempt learning process , not when we are practised.
when we are learning guitar.
like you are learning some string excersice 
when you are no more thinking and in a meditated way , fully concentrated mode of mind .
when you are like only playing the guitar the guitar will play just fine.

but what happens when suddenly you realises someone is watching you
your hands goes wrong, why this is so..

you was playing it fine so it means you know playing and just a moment you realises there is someone keeping eye on you
you are distrurbed just by the one thinking that someone is watching you.

take an another example
if you are angry
and i tells you there is hidden camera hidden somewhere near you and its shooting you
then why you cant be angry? there will be change in your emotional state

there is lots of example you will find it all where..
the point is 
the moment you realised that someone is keeping eye on you 
there is a change in you behaviour happens?

these all experiences shows us 
even we when finds someone is keeping eye on us we changes our behaviour

so that quantum double slitt observation is similar to this.

there is something similar in between we and such a small particles we are firing through double slit
there is something that behaves same when someone keeps eyes..when someone observes

that similar stuff is awareness as far as i think.
yes the awareness.

the science has touched the awareness.
and this is the time we are experiencing the mystries.

In the ancient time there was a saint called LAOTZU who said that this whole existence is standing on duality
now a days scientist are coming to know that there a dark matter , black holes , antiprotons ,neutrinos
these particles are the dual ...

in simple way we can not have a proton without antiproton.
what does it shows , it shows that there is a duality.

so the laotzu said when ever something comes into existence it comes in duality, although we are always looking at one side of coin
we says that we are happy but as you says you are happy or just a momment you experiences or just be the wittness to the happiness
the time of bad days are started..its a TAO according to LAOTZU when you say you invited the opposite too

as we all knows 
we have seen motivational vedios.
they constantly tells you to think positively
what they are telling you ?
they are telling you to invite negativity in the same time.
that is not the way i think so.
they are telling you to build a pillars , build a building and go high.
(what if you can fly why to create a building)
what they are telling you ?
teling you to be gratefull thankfull for what you have.
that means if that things are robbed somedays from you to which you are thankfull,
what will happen?

your all thankfullness and happiness calmness is based on that things you have
even you cant hold a thought, even you cant hold a youth, beauty..well i think they are telling something different 
and we are getting something different.
you will compare when you are happy with the things and you will lost those things
and in thankfullness what are you doing?
its a comparision nothing else"" thank god i have these things
its a human nature to compare.
without comparision humans are not able to distinguish
without comparision humans are helpless..

The comparision is a part of awareness
is when you are aware, there will be comparision.
and that comparision will allow you to see clearly the things like they are.

when you are happy
you are standing at the very end of pendulum and
you knows the nature of pendulum.
this is tao that if you are happy you will be sad..that is the sure.

What we can do is we can attain the position where pendulum is at middle no more to right no more to left,
how can you do this?

the only answer is awareness,
when we are aware of good things happeneing to us we will invite bad things to us, viceversa
when we are aware of bad things happening to us we will invite good things to us.

now the question arrises. that what we actually want..normally you says good things..
but if nature has doing something bad to us there must be somekind of moto behind that,
we generally dont think about moto.
we have created a system on the basis ...we are already speaking the language of basis..
there is nothing like good and bad...
there is good, less good, less good and so on...more less...but no such kind of duality

but laotzu said 
the things becomes dual when we names it.
when we identifies it. 

so we should not give a name 
if we are naming anything
and the name must have a paradoxical property
that if you apply that name in extended version , the name will be nomore.

but our names are having pendulum dualities
good doesnt becomes zero...but it goes to bad

what is dark?
absence of light
what is hate?
absence of love
what is negative?
absence of positive

yes we can go to the absence
only if one end of pendulum is following quasistatic process,
i mean we must count our moment in less and less manner

we must speak the language of less and more
because we cant leave our nature
comparison is our nature
we must say "ohh i am much less happy today", if you want to say "i am sad".
in upcoming blogs i will explore more about this ..for now thankyou. 

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