Monday, June 12, 2017

What is good and What is bad? What is Right and What is Wrong?

if you feel bad, conclusion is something is Wrong.
if you feel good, conclusion is everything is right.

its so simple! why we need a rule book.

if right thing is giving you bad feel then what?
if wrong thing is giving you good feel then what?

the problem is
we don't feel
we pretend that we have feelings

but we never know what is a good feel
and what is a bad feel.
because that changes 
person to person,
situation to situation,
family to family,
city to city,
state to state,
religion to religion
and country to country,
if something is so versatile 
how can you decide that what gives you the good feels
and what gives you the bad feel.
something you feel good in America will turn bad in India

i accepted the fact that i really don't feel
what i feel is based on the rule book of the family,friends,city state,
 religion etc etc..based on that rule book our parents, friends and teachers have given us the different types of rule book. in India we calls  it sanskaar. or teaching of great great grand father or parents.

I am in the search of Feelings.
I don't want to be judgmental
it happens that something good turns into bad within few seconds for me
so my judgments are also fluid.

when i will start "feeling", i will not be in need of rule book, and judgments.
this society is like,
i don't have an option but to go with these rule books.

when i will feel, that day i will find my nature, true nature .TAO
that day i will know what is good and what is bad, what is wrong what is right.
as i already said
"if you feel bad, conclusion is something is Wrong.
if you feel good, conclusion is everything is right."

but the question is do you really feels?

i think there is two types of feelings
one is artificially made by brain
second is naturally taken from nature

second is very rare to experience as we are always surrounded by the thoughts of others. remember, we do not creates any thoughts, thoughts are borrowed along with the journey of life. thoughts flows and we are just a medium to flow the thoughts.

the one who experienced the second natural feeling need not to be feel artificial things...when child is crying or smiling, i think that is the natural feelings .
but we messes with child brain and we tells them that this is the situation in which the one has to cry and this is the situation the one has to smile. 

these all conditioning is ruining our full system 
we are becoming fake peoples. 

i think when i smiles its just a way my emotions are flowing and when i cries that's the way my emotions are flowing ...the reason behind my smile or tears are artificially explained by my  brain that someone has played with my feelings and i cried lot.

or someone has done extraordinary amazing things to me and i smiled

but the real reason is there is something in the deep. which is triggering these all. there is some kind of energy which wants to comes out and it chosen that situation to comes out as that was the perfect situation to celebrate the tears and smile as per your experiences and conditioning.

its like the water is inside a dam and not allowing to flow and as per the design of dam water manages to find the hole in dam and it comes out...

in reality that energy is celebrating still now in somewhere in your body..that's why you masturbates, but our conditioning is binding it. we are not giving it a chance to comes out. some peoples are binding masturbation and sex too and indulges themselves into greed , ego like kind of things. that is like locking the god living into your body with the chain of ego.

and remember god is more powerful than you. if you will try to make it your slave the day will come the god will transform and transcends to escape from your body.
in that struggle your body will suffer with diseases cancer or lot of things.

we must allow each other to cry , to smile , to become angry, in fact we must help them to go to the peak so that the energy will transform . and let allow  celebration come out.

for me tears and smile both are the time of celebration.
i can see smile in tears and tears in smile. both are two side of same coin.

there will be a day when i will cry or smile .
there will be a day when the dance of nature will touch me.
there will be a day when the true natural feelings will flow.
there will be day i will say the artificial reason created by my brain to cry or smile.
there will be a day when i knew the brain is just an organ like kidney.
through the kidney blood is flowing .. through the brain the thoughts are flowing 

when my body will dance on my own heart beat and my breathing will became the various notes  of music...

i am awaited and letting the nature to do its work through me.
~Thank you~ 

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