Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I am exploring the Jiya Khan's suicide letter and other letters  and making analysis of jiya khan letters as per as my knowledge ...i am collecting all the letters of jiya khan and trying to figure out the mind state of jiya khan ...and what it is that inside her mind that tend her to step for the suicide

In the First step i am arising out the confusion over the handwriting difference of Jiya the image is as shown is the letter written before the time of ...i think several months or year...but i am sure it had not written near by June 2013 suicide letter..

here i am analyzing the letter of the stable state of mind because it can show us the probability of her suicidal approach...because at the time of suicide she could be different than normal her normal handwriting was like this

We can clearly see her  strong Right tilt letters...trait showing that jiya was dependent on the peoples around her...she was always enjoying the company given by the peoples who was close to her ..her communication skill was fantastic..awe full...but the fact was she was not able to survive single...if the condition comes to jiya that she have to stay alone for sometime...she would be having feel of loneliness...consistent right tilt...

jiya was fantastic when she was on the screen..on her professional field...because at that place jiya was having a peoples around her and she enjoys that...but when she use to be alone it was impossible to fight with loneliness for fact her ego was also made by others..

this was the time when jiya was thinking that her Dreams was very close to her because of the lower case g lower loop ending just coming to the baseline...most of the time the lower loop are completing and touching the base line and most of the time it is just not complete...this was the time...jiya was having very strong desire for the materialistic stuffs......she can even leave her dream and family  to complete her Desire in the materialistic manner, I am sure that she was having the courage to leave her family and dreams for the one she loves most...because the lower loops are very very compare to the middle and upper section...

there is a conflict and confusion showing here between the social environment of jiya because of her  middle section inconsistency...some letters are very small and some are big...just look at the 16th is showing the p like structure showing the sigh of argumentative approach...jiya was seldom use to do an argument but here it is only one sigh in whole letter ...which means there must be a valid reason for being argumentative...because she has a low t bar...which shows she could be a submissive most of the times..she has a low self esteem...

on the contrary she was a great actor ..because the height of the upper loops are retraced and consistent...her profession was going good she was not disturbed by the professional ups and downs...and she was also that much smart that her personal issue did not let effect her acting carrier.

Single stroke I showing that she was not sharing her personal issue to the social environment...her personal issue was secret...i mean the instability that she was facing on her personal level was being to be hidden...that  she was hiding her affair with her family...

whole script did not shows any sigh for acquisitive nature but wait there is great secret lies here...only when ever she written "You" she had only applied a cup type initial stroke to "y" of "you" and most interestingly that cup type structure is not used consistently on"you" but it is used in some of the "you" it means...jiya was not possessive but she was caring for her love...she was not possessive it is sure and clear fact.

at the time when she written this she was  imaginative in the context of reality type girl...her imaginations was based on reality...i dots on the line of tracing slant...just on middle mostly
her preference between Dreams Desire and Family will be like...First Desire...secondly Dreams....third family.
she had written words so close, that shows she needs someones possession...well we all knows that one...
i already explained that she was fully dependent girl...

Now take a look on her suicide letter
what a difference...

  • she started losing her communication skill....variation in slant(previously she has a consistent slant)
  • there is nothing trait showing that she have a heart problem since from year as per as my knowledge...because there is a smooth regular stroke upper thing is clear that her heart was medically healthy as per as my knowledge concerns
  • at the starting of letter the slant was inconsistent....and coming to the sixth page variation slant variation is increased
  • the lower loops changed  and become incomplete...90% of lower loops was not completed and the few was  coming to base line had taken triangular type structure that means...she was taking care of her relation being very cautious..and REGIMENTAL regulates personal relationships, carefully controls physical surroundings, good strategist...but she founds that her desires had not completed yet
  • no acquisitive loop...even no initial cup like formation on"you" she written in whole letter

t bar drop to bottom that previous one that means Someone who writes with low t-bars hardly find any good qualities in herself. Normally, such a person has no problem being treated as a doormat. When she is abused in her personal life, she won’t retaliate; instead, she licks the feet of the perpetrator. It may appear insane and irrational, but there are people like that. Now, why would someone do that? 
  • letter is straight....previously it was extremely tilted to Right...which shows Jiya knows that she has to live Single Now and with The variation of that she was losing her communication skill with variation in slant
  • she became broad minded than previous one..."e" she use has a great difference
  • jab like i dot showing  IRRITABILITY easily annoyed by minor or momentary disturbances

Mose of "W"swinging on left showing fear of getting Hurt including second last line even "u"swing in left with exaggeration...still jab like i dots showing easily annoyed by this was the state when it become worse towards we go upto last page

  • insecurity loops g and a most of time showing jia wants to say something but she is not able to say that she is locking that into her heart

variation in upper zone , middle zone and lower zone  arise  even slant variation increased and we can see its most probably towers left...
so we can see the HUGE DIFFERENCE that person how can be now on the way to be alone...
last two can see slant is either straight or left tilted..more the left more the person is wanting to be alone see the"Destroyed", "Ambition"

something serious point here look at the t bar going extremity on first line the in "Eborted" t bar is out of the line...showing jia had just wrote that without thinking ...and her chances of doing things without thinking is increasing..t bar is somehow become going upward showing... IMPATIENCE eager to act with no delay, wants speed up activity or thoughts, plans to immediately finish the starting of this page her temper had Bursted with T-BAR TO THE FAR RIGHT OF THE T-STEM..while writing "Eborted"

analyse from the beginning of letter she is trying to use trait UPWARD FORWARD T BAR which shows LIGHTHEARTED expects plans to just happen, fall into place, and should be doing...most of time she had done that light hearten. t the world are not clear and lower loops are becoming small somewhere, as compare to previous letter you can clearly see she is killing her desired as they are incomplete not reaching to base line...i wish she could succeed making at-least a upward forward t bar...may be she could be saved as she feel some how Light hearten when doing it so...she tried lot used light hearten T but it didn't worked as her low self esteem (low t bar on stem , as she can either make a low t bar or low to high upward forward one bar) had killed her feel of light hearten quality...

i salute to one triat of jiya that in whole scenario she didn't gone out of the base line...her every word was touching the base line...she was walking on guidelines...but what type of guidelines it could be that she followed so strictly ?..i am sure that she was not the one who had made her guide lines otherwise she will write somehow upside the base line ...she was following some guidelines ..i am not sure whether it is a professional guidelines or personal...but there was an existence of a guidelines in her life...which may played an important role role in increasing her probability towards suicide(because so much strictness that like, i don't want to make mistake , being so cautious is negative triat) or decreasing probability(it also dont let writter to go on depression) ...i don't know what was it...she was doctrinaire she dont want to do mistake as she followed base line so could she step for suicide...?
reference jiya khans Handwriting analysis was done by this web
 Write choice...handwriting analysis

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Who We are?

well...we often think that why we came here, who we are...and what we gonna do...lots of our questions are always unsolved about ourselves  just because we are too busy in hustle of life...but there is something when i explore i found that we are just a machine...but then i got something which proves that we are not a machine...
when you peoples are reading this blog, you might have a fingers on your face...some had put a base of the hand to chin...some has index finger between nose and mouth or nose...or some has a index and middle finger on the cheeks...
theses all are the psychological fact that proves that someone is bored or if someone is reading this very care fully...
some might had crossed their hand and lifted back their ankles of legs back with cross position or someone had open hands with a tea or some stuff in your hand...with simple straight position
so these all are the Body language skills

our Body is nothing but an encoded version of our past
like if your eyes has a lower flat area might be a kind of a person who is very cautious
if your mouth is very small then you might be a introverted person
if your eyes are big then you often use to trusts peoples very easily
there are lot of things
the conclusion is every part of our body is an encoded version of our identity

have you ever noticed that the fact
 the perfect couples have a lot of common facial features common in them...

why this is so?

and i even noticed the Handwriting of Roommates who use to write in similar patterns...
when we are in a rapport or when we are in perfect rhythm with someone we use to copy their body signals and thoughts and some phrases...

why this is so

our identity is hidden into an encoding

evolution and adaptation are the things that really encoded in our DNA
then secondly our thoughts and actions and out past of this life is encoded in our physical structure including facial feature
thirdly we are still changing ourselves by mirroring and building rapport and thats why we constantly changing our thoughts and physical structure

then these are the proves that
we are the conclusion of our past
and the possibilities of future

if you have a negative thoughts then its not your thought because our identity is inside our DNA...its truely not belongs to you
it came from someone else

our mind takes the data and it compresses  the junk memory that where it came from...but it gains that stuffs and convert it into an action...then it again minimizes its load and save that in the cell memories and that's the point when we becomes an habitual of certain kind of habits...
according to that our physical structure changes because of the cell memories have something new

we always found that after a heart Transplantation....their is a certain kind of changes person he?she use to fear to the situation he had never feared and the increasing heart beat in certain kind of situation is the data for heart...and when the another heart goes inside the executes that cell memories...

after this process still if the action or thought is repeating and there is a need of that thought or their is a need of that action  for survival purpose then cell use to encode that in DNA

and it copies the same data in an evolutionary process...

that's why... 21st century small kids are so advanced from birth...

who we are then ?
do we have an identity...

well we can ask what we are instead of who we are...
because there is always an answer for a right question
if the Question is wrong how we can gives the answer

your every details is an mixture of evolution, and rapport...

don't get so disappointed because there is something which makes us heading towards the light

that's the urge

our theses  process are just because of Urge...we always seeks for the fact behind every thing...
even my Girl friend use to ask me...why i loves her so much
so its an urge...

in an language INDIA...Humans are known as Mannushya..thats mann+ayusha...
according to the osho, mann is a process
according to the buddha, mann is very excited thing which never stops throughout our whole life (aayushya)
and  i think both were Right that mann is a process
thoughts never stops

and that never ending process is called as Mann..if you are going to ask me the reason behind its excitement...that's the humans always seeks the way to survive...survive in emotional or a physical context...
so we always has an Urge to know about the things which makes us alive and which can takes our life...because its a part of Evolution and need of evolution
if you don't know what to eat  you will die...and there is a need of certain kind of knowledge for that

emotional survival is also considers into the fact...which we can explain further that how we lives several life inside one life...

so the Birth of Urge arise from the evolution...
we cant ignore this fact

now we know who we are think so OR what we are...what ever

Our brain works in12 watt of electricity and our identity is hidden in this path of electricity and this is what we are a 12watt of electricity... The flow is according to our pattern made as per past experience... We cannot control this flow but we can do one thing...that's just cutoff all the sensors... So the new path would not be made..the electricity will flow and thought will come... But when there is no new pattern the flow will slow down and some moment the flow will not there but the all energy we have will just like a water... Calm water no flow no wave no thoughts... We are this calm electrical energy... All where is same 

Its like make it a potential energy stop converting it into kinetic energy.
Then you will realise this potential energy is all where everywhere... And you will feel like the world potential is with in you...
Scientific name Singularity
We will get associated with all energy around us..

Then we will enter in quantum world where everything is possible...

Sunday, July 27, 2014

if i die young guitar chords and lyrics

If I die Gyoung
Bury me in Dsatin
Lay me dAown on a bed of Bm4roses
Sink me in the Griver at daDwn
Send me Aaway with the words of a Bm4love song
G  Oh oh,D oh oh A

Lord make me a Grainbow, I'll shine down on myD mother
She'll know I'm safe with AYou when she stands under Bm4my colors
Oh Gand life ain't always what you thiDnk it ought to be
No,A ain't even grey, but Bm4she buries her baby
TGhe sharp knifeD of a shortA liBm4fe
Well,G I've had Djust enoughA time

If I die Gyoung
Bury me in Dsatin
Lay me dAown on a bed of Bm4roses
Sink me in the Griver at daDwn
Send me Aaway with the words of a love Bm4song

The Gsharp knife of a Dshort liAfe Bm4
Well,G I've had Djust enough Atime

And I'll be wearing Gwhite when I comeD into Your kingdom
I'm as Agreen as the ring on myBm4 little cold finger
I'veG never known the Dloving of a man
but it Asure felt nice when he wasBm4 holding my hand
There's aG boy here in town says he'll Dlove me forever
AWho would have thought foBm4rever could be severed by

TheG sharp knife oDf a short lAifeBm4
Well,G I've had Djust enough Atime

G D A Bm4 x2

SoG put on your best boys
And DI'll wear my pearls
AWhat I never did is done

A penny for my Gthoughts
Oh no, ID'll sell them for a dollar
ThAey're worth so much more aBm4fter I'm a goner
And mGaybe then you'll hear the Dwords I've been singing
AFunny when you're dead how Bm4people start listening

G D A Bm4
If I die Gyoung Bury me in Dsatin Lay me dAown on a bed of Bm4roses Sink me in the Griver at daDwn Send me Aaway with the words of a Bm4love song G Oh oh, the bDallad of a dove A Go in pBm4eace and love GGather up your tears DKeep them in your pocket SaAve them for a time when you're rBm4eally gonna need them. Oh oh, theG sharp knife of aD short lAife Bm4 Well,G I've had Djust enough Atime So Gput on your best boys And DI'll wear my pearl

Monday, June 9, 2014

evidence of Alien life

Alien’s foot prints
Our Universe is so large and there must be an alien species at universe somewhere so instead of Masquerading gossip I am coming to the point …that what are the signs that created a inklings for life existence at Europa the Moon of Planet Jupiter…
Here are the some specifications and dimensions of Europa
Europa has Discovered by Galileo Galilei Simon Marius at 8 January 1610 also alled as Jupitar2
It has a mean orbit radius 670900 km
Eccentricity 0.009
Average orbital speed is 13.740km/s
Inclination 0.470 degrees (to the Jupitars Equate)
Physical Characteristics
Mean radius; 1560.8 km that equals 0.245 times Earth
Surface Area 3.09* 107 km^2 that equals’ 0.061 Earths
Volume 1.593*1010 km^3 that equals0.015 Earths
Mass 407998 *1022 kg that equals 0.008 Earths
Most important is the surface temperature of Europa is (-171 degree Celsius) to -148 degree Celsius
Europa is primarily made-up of Silicate Rock and has a probably has an Iron Core.
Its Surface is made-up of Water ice…
And there must be an Ocean beneath the Europa because Eurapa has a heat generation phenomenon by tidal flexing… cause to remain liquid
In December 2013, NASA reported the detection of Clay like Minerals (Specifically Phyllosilicates) Often Associated with Organic material on the Icy crust on Europa
The European Space Agency’s Jupiter icy moon Explorer (JUICE) is mission to Europa that is due to Launch in 2022. NASA is planning a Robotic Mission That Would be launched in The mid -2020s
There is a Ocean existence inside of Europa and the Tidal flexes is the Sources of the heat inside the Europa…Life could exist in its under –ice ocean…Perhaps subsisting in an Environment similar to earths Deep ocean…
I t is obvious that there is no sunlight reach inside the icy crust of Europa but there is a heat source by tidal flexes …so there must be an life form which can survive without sunlight…as in our deep seas the sunlight is far away like absence of Sunlight…deep sea, the sun light is not able to reach at very deep seas…so there must be some life form that doesn’t requires sun light for there survival…there must be life form which can use heat from tidal flexes for the survival purposes
In September 2009, Planetary Scientist Richard Greenberg Calculated That Cosmic Rays Impacting on Europa’s Surface Convert some water ice into free oxygen which could then be Absorbed into the Ocean below as water wells up to Fill Cracks…
You can easily find the lot of events reported like aliens abductions…and in all cases there is a one fundamental common phenomenon… that disfunctioning of electronic equipments…and operational inklings on the body of victim…like he/she had been gone through surgery…and when they all are abducted there is common fundamental that they have seen a light…
So do you know what the deep ocean animal has a property …its generation of electric and magnetic field around them and generation of light in their body parts…
All top secret areas are made inside the ground surface (Especially AREA 51)…like their must not sunlight …like Area 51…
Bermuda Triangle is a region where a see existence is there…and all knows who goes there suffers from electric and magnetic field disfunctioning of all electronic equipments…over the sea…or under the sea and got abducted…
So these are the foot print which indicates that the aliens are at EUROPA…
May be they have implanted their camp at Bermuda triangle…
There is lot of sighs …now if they are constantly abducting peoples then they must be having a place where they are temporarily having a camp…so they have to choose the place just like Europa and the Bermuda triangle is the best place in earth…
When there is a sign of UFO…there is an increase in level of radioactivity …and inside deep seas there is an Radio active elements…may be Europa also having a Radio activity elements and they uses the Radio active elements…mostly we can also point to the fact that…
Silica is must for the electronics…so Europa have a highly content with silica…so there a Resource for them …silica presence will make them highly Advanced in using electronics…so maybe they got the command in electronics and hence….
These are the points which I personally think the signs of intelligent extra terrestrial activity…

Distance Matters

There is two supreme power between which we exists …that’s repulsion and attraction….and the space and time is also the conclusion of that…so here I will took you to the journey from the universe to the earth with some fact we can get learn from all these superior supreme powers…
                Earth is revolving around sun…if there is a certain force which keep attraction to the sun…then there must be a force which keeps distance between sun and earth…and that is the velocity of earth…a balanced velocity of earth…which doesn’t let win centrifugal force …and hence here the distance matters because that distance is responsible for a life in earth…lets have a deeper look…so what is the exactly the velocity of earth …what we have to do about it …because everything is alright…but wait!!!!
Because every thing in this universe is not for just a purpose of knowledge…but it’s an encoding ….Encoding …we having lot of things around us but…we have a sun, air, different planets…so it have a very nice look out …
Here am focusing the one of the kind of encoding…
Doesn’t u think!!!the motion of earth is like a Beautiful woman on toe revolving and dancing like phenomenon…it has a Rhythm…so every thing in this universe alive is having a RHYTHM…RHYTHM is what a just a motion…it’s a movement..Even our galaxy is not constant…even our Whole universe is not constant it is expanding continually …so just keep focus on a change…the change is responsible all where we can imagine and where we cant imagine…all around us…there is a Change…
Coming to the point why distance matters…
Its not about you should be keep yourself little away from the all things and should not ever cross the limit but its like having a fun In your life…if we are having a fun in our life then nobody can make us unhappy…like earth is dancing OK…EARTH is dancing around sun…but go on the cause behind the dance…because it is related to your birth…because EARTH is revolving and Rotating around sun since it has taken a Birth in this universe…
And you all are living organism you all had already taken a birth with a gift of JOY…
Gift of JOY can u understand the meaning of Gift of Joy…
Yes u are RIGHT…it’s happiness we are experiencing in every single moment…but there is also the fact that is the Happiness is momentary flash…depending on condition…it comes and goes but wait!!!
Just feel if you were an EARTH then what will be the cause of your dance because EARTH is having  A DANCE since it has taken a birth in his universe …and look still EARTH is Enjoying the DANCE…DON’T you Think EARTH will get BORED  with these reactions…no…because there is lot of ACTIVITIES around EARTH Happening and Giving the Earth different Conditions…EARTH got influences of gravity of HALLEYS COMETS…but all there are very momentary Flashes so …Earth Really got an ENTERTAINMENT with that but What ? if there will be no Activities like external …is still there will be the Rotation and revolution of EARTH WITHOUT these Comets….YES EARTH WILL ROTATE AND REVOLVE …because the JOY Earth had been got since from the Birth ….will be with the Earth throughout its Whole life…it will be in motion for ever …so what’s the basic Gift of nature and what’s the distance…
Look when we have a distance where we can concentrate what we have …and Distance is nothing but a space …you can say like we all should have a Personal space like in Bathroom we Sings a Songs …so there should be a time and place and the distance or what ever you can say it a little time …to concentrate on what you have the basic joy…so we all have to find out what we have a basic joy of life…that will give a happiness of life for ever and forever
                 God is so good that we have a different Entertainments  All around us…but just Think …We should not forget the basic gift and hence we should Enjoy all things Round us…what if suddently theses all stops  TV, internet...But when u will Experience the Disappointments on whatever all around us… then u have an Option..But that Option is related to the Birth of our Human race , so finally we have to be Happy with What ever we have and ultimately we will be having what we have to achieve…
We have to achieve PEACE, HAPPINESS…no that all are given us since we have taken Birth and hence we should use that without making it dependent on the things we had or we have or we want to …so Nobody can feel you inferior with out your permission…u are good and good is the GOD…
Even the evil says “being bad makes me feel good”…have a look what every body wants finally that’s goodness…but there are variation on the way to feel good …but finally all evil and angels all are running for feel of good…There is nothing here like positive and Negative all where is a Positivity but the way of achieving that makes us evil and angel…
There should be a distance …that distance gives us our IDENTITY…because EARTHS IDENTITY is not the life…EARTHS IDENTITY is  not like it is the only Planet where Life exist…But the IDENTITY of EARTH is its Place where it had been revolving and rotating…goldilocks zone
 EARTHS IDENTITY lies on its Position and its linear velocity…
I f in case (we consider an earth is a Beautiful Dancing woman) decreases its Linear velocity (IDENTITY) then Earth will be Forced by an Extreme Gravity of Sun and it will burn in sun…so because of its Linear velocity Earth is having a life…because of the position it had gain…earth is having life…so because of where we have taken a Birth we are alive…because of where we can feel the BALANCE…
Remember we have to find a BALANCE based on the things we have eternally and related to our birth and will be with you till your death…

Our Body
I think it’s all the positive words you have ever heard…if I am going to write it down I will be in infinite dimension and experiencing never ending process
Theses all the stuffs you have are already present and you have to trust on it…the best thing is IT is not Depending on the situation…if you let it make dependent on situation or external activities…you are the responsible person who are playing the casino with your life…
But we are thinking we can multiply that by demanding Luck from the god…and playing casino with that making shortcut

We have to find our space where we can nourish our qualities we have…where we can become happier than happy…where we can become graduate from the alphabetical knowledge of arrangement
You know we all knows A to Z alphabets but why some peoples have great knowledge basically EINSTEIN also knows A_Z and you too knows A_Z…because they have taken out an space where they can think about the various combinations of these all alphabets…so its an example…the peoples who are known as great achievers have the space where they think about the combination of what they knows basically
We all have a space but we have to use it…doesn’t get too involves and don’t become too busy, BECAUSE…everybody has to find the space where he/she can smile for a while…even Earth is not a Machine so you knows better…
(Space and time is the same thing but in different context…space refers to physical world dimensional context, and time refers to the fourth dimensional context.)